How Artificial Intelligence is Redefining the Way We Sweat

Scaling New Heights: An AI Journey

What happens when you combine the intellectual minds behind AI technology and a heart-pounding physical challenge? You get the third summit of the ThreePeaksChallenge in the UK, conquered in less than 24 hours. This isn’t just any summit; this is where AI meets adrenaline.

Why They Climbed

Eighteen AI researchers and founders embarked on this journey for a noble cause: to save lives from malaria in emerging countries. With their climb, they raised funds for the Against Malaria Foundation and saved three lives. Three lives!

That’s not where the story ends. As an outdoor enthusiast and founder of WILD, a company that leverages AI for sports performance , the idea was instantly appealing when Matt from @EntrepreneurFirst extended the invitation to our Entrepreneurial cohort, EF8.

Connecting the AI Community Outdoors

Building stronger ties within the relatively small, data-centric London AI community was a mission for Jordan Burgess , which resulted in the birth of Peak AI . The challenge? Climb the three highest peaks of Scotland, England, and Wales (Ben Nevis, Scafell, and Snowdon) in less than 24 hours.

The Journey Begins

Peak #1 — Ben Nevis (The Frozen)

From Glasgow, we headed to Fort Williams. Facing sub-zero conditions and snow-covered paths wasn’t easy, but we were determined. Our team of 18 packed into two vans, ready for the first challenge.

Starting the climb at 5:30 pm, conversation among the team flowed, centering around reinforcement learning, neural networks, and Gaussian models. The higher we climbed, the harsher the weather turned. Strong winds and snow culminated in a “welcoming” snowstorm near the summit.

Guided by a local expert, we braved the elements, consumed energy gels, and finally reached the rocky top. Spirits were high, and everyone celebrated our first summit before racing back down, sometimes quite literally sleighing down on the snow.

Peak #2 — Scafell (The Windy)

After a 5.5-hour drive, we reached Scafell. Exhausted and crammed like pieces in a game of Tetris during the ride, sleep evaded most of us. The camaraderie and resilience were palpable as we started the next climb at dawn.

Initially easy, the climb soon turned challenging with slippery rocks and fierce winds. Downing espresso gels to boost energy, we reached the summit faster than anticipated. Though three members had to bow out due to injuries, the rest carried on, unfurling our banner for another group picture.

Peak #3 — Snowdon (The Technical Beast)

With less than 24 hours on the clock and the most technical climb ahead, the smaller van ride to Snowdon was no more comfortable. We geared up once more and set off, determined to reach the final summit.

The third peak tested our endurance and technical skills with a path that included actual rock climbing. Rowen and Shaun motivated the team to keep pace. Finally, after a grueling climb, we reached the summit and unfolded our banner for one last picture.

The Final Descent

Exhausted but elated, we started the descent. The journey down was filled with discussions on life, AI’s impact on society, and understanding the purpose of life. This experience demonstrated the integration of intellectual challenges and physical endurance.

The Unexpected Dip

While most groups might head straight to the hostel, our team, embodying PeakAI’s spirit, decided to take a dip in Wales’ freezing lake. Stripping down and jumping in after 24 hours of exertion was the perfect culmination of our adventure.

Headed back to London, we left, bonded by a profound experience. Two weeks later, a dinner hosted by Balderton Capital saw 50 attendees pledging for next year’s PeakAI.

Looking Ahead

The first PeakAI was undoubtedly successful. Discussions have already begun for future challenges, possibly aiming for Kilimanjaro or even Himalayan summits. Combining various sports such as climbing, kayaking, swimming, and maybe even sailing, the adventures ahead promise to be as thrilling as the first.

With the support from EntrepreneurFirst, Bloomsbury AI, Balderton Capital, and our friends and family, PeakAI saved three lives from malaria. AI’s champions proved that their prowess extends beyond algorithms into the heart of human endurance and compassion. Onwards and upwards, PeakAI!

How Artificial Intelligence is Redefining the Way We Sweat