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AI tools for Research

Diving into the world of AI tools for research, from A to F, is like unlocking a so much knowledge. Each tool, unique in its capability, transforms how we approach data, analysis, and insights. Imagine the possibilities with hundreds at your fingertips. Let's explore this landscape together.

AI tools for Research

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What can I do with this tool?
aiPDF is an AI chat app that processes, summarizes, and extracts information from PDF documents interactively.

aiPDF is an AI-powered chat app designed to interact with PDF documents. It allows users to upload various types of documents, such as financial reports, academic essays, messy documents, and large ebooks, for processing. The tool enables users to ask questions, extract information, and summarize the content of these documents quickly and interactively, providing detailed references and sources from the uploaded files. The potential uses for aiPDF include simplifying the analysis of complex documents, quickly retrieving information without reading through the entire content, and assisting in studying or research by summarizing lengthy texts. People might want to use aiPDF for its convenience, time-saving capabilities, and to enhance their understanding of document contents without manually combing through them. The app appears to be user-friendly and fun to use, distinguishing itself from more traditional or bland PDF tools. It's also accessible for free, which may be an additional incentive for individuals and professionals looking for cost-effective solutions for managing their document workflows.



What can I do with this tool?
Build and deploy AI with your business data

Akkio is a no-code machine learning platform designed to help modern sales and marketing teams make data-driven decisions. It allows users to quickly and easily leverage their existing data to train predictive models and make smarter real-time decisions. It features applications for augmented lead scoring, forecasting, text classification, churn reduction, and more, as well as instant webapps and easy integrations.



What can I do with this tool?
An AutoGPT ai agent for web data retrieval.

Aomni is an AI-powered information retrieval agent that can browse the internet, plan queries using AutoGPT, and extract relevant information from trustworthy sources to provide easy-to-digest results.


Article Summarizer

What can I do with this tool?
Article summarization tool

Article summarization tool. It automatically scans a given article and generates a concise summary that captures the main ideas of the text. Supported sites include TechCrunch Medium Stanford Philosophy Wired TheVerge CNET Wikipedia HackerNoon â€


Article Summary

What can I do with this tool?
Generates articles summaries in Arabic, English, and French from a URL.

The above AI tool is a web-based tool that automatically creates a short summary of any article. It allows users to quickly share the main points of the article. It can generate summaries in Arabic, English, or French. The tool works in three easy steps: add the article URL, select the language, and generate the summary.



What can I do with this tool?
AI-driven personalized news feed tool

Artifact tool is a personalized news feed driven by artificial intelligence.


Arxiv Summary Generator

What can I do with this tool?
Generate summaries for Arxiv paperss

AI-powered summarization, Natural Language Processing, NLTK library, python-sumy library, OpenAI Davinci engine, OpenAI Curie engine, Arxiv repository, Research paper summaries, Machine learning, Computer vision, User-friendly interface, Accurate summaries



What can I do with this tool?
A platform for data assistant.

AskEdith is an AI-powered data assistant that helps business leaders and decision makers make sense of their data by connecting and searching all their cloud data. It integrates with over a hundred different data sources and allows users to ask questions directly to unlock the potential of their data. It is universally compatible with databases, CRMs, ERPs, and other applications. AskEdith also attends events such as AI & Big Data Expo, ODSC West, and PrestoCon to help businesses learn more about their data.



What can I do with this tool?
A chatbot for free legal answers to user inquiries.

AskLegal.bot is an AI-powered tool designed to offer quick and free legal answers to users' inquiries. The software provides instant insights, personalized guidance, and maintains confidentiality and security for a variety of legal concerns. People might want to use it for immediate clarification on legal matters such as property disputes, employment issues, tax discrepancies, divorce settlements, business formation, and employment classifications, especially when they need a starting point before consulting a professional lawyer. It's particularly useful for those seeking a preliminary understanding of their legal situation, or who need to know their rights and possible next steps without the initial cost of hiring an attorney.


Athina AI

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to monitor AI and optimize LLMs output to prevent errors and misinformation.

Athina AI is a monitoring and evaluation platform designed for companies utilizing large language models (LLMs) in production. It provides tools to detect and correct hallucinations, misinformation, and quality issues in LLM outputs, offering configurable solutions to suit various use cases. Athina AI helps users to monitor model usage and performance, debug and trace queries and responses, gain insights into conversational dynamics, and conduct experiments to compare different models and prompts. Organizations might want to use Athina AI to ensure the reliability and accuracy of their AI applications, optimize costs, and improve user experiences by preventing and quickly addressing any erroneous AI-generated content.



What can I do with this tool?
AI writing assistant that leverages GPT-3

Barely AI augments reading and writing by allowing users to access OpenAI text tools with a single command. The tool can also generate counter arguments, summaries, and headlines. It also has a feature that gives users immediate summaries of any webpage they are reading. Pricing is $20 per month or $200/year. Not disclosed on their site. You do receive a limited amount of free credits per day to summarize one or two long articles.



What can I do with this tool?
Automates and streamlines the creation of visually appealing presentations with AI-driven design assistance.

Beautiful.ai is a presentation software designed to simplify the process of creating visually appealing slides. It uses artificial intelligence to automate slide formatting, ensuring that content is presented in a design-conscious manner without the need for extensive manual adjustments. Users can select from a variety of smart templates to start their presentations and benefit from features like shared slides, universal updates, and total brand control. This tool is ideal for business professionals, educators, and teams who want to create consistent, branded presentations quickly and efficiently, enhancing productivity and the overall visual impact of their pitches, reports, and proposals.



What can I do with this tool?
Helps users find the perfect book from over 500,000 titles

BookAbout is an AI-powered platform designed to make finding books easier and more enjoyable. It searches through over 500,000 books to find the one that best matches the user's query. BookAbout is constantly updating its database to ensure that it has the latest books and is working to improve its search algorithms for an even better user experience.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to generate summaries from texts, audios, and videos.

Briefy is an AI-powered tool that quickly summarizes lengthy texts, audios, and videos into concise and structured summaries with just one click. It is currently in development and will be available soon.



What can I do with this tool?
AI-powered Chrome extension to automate web browsing tasks

BrowseGPT is a Chrome extension that uses Artificial Intelligence to automate web browsing tasks. It uses OpenAI's GPT-3 model to process web pages and issue commands like CLICK, ENTER_TEXT or NAVIGATE. It can help users complete tasks like finding a place to stay or buying a book, though it may occasionally get stuck in a loop or click on the wrong thing. Users should exercise caution when using this extension, and should not use it on pages with private information.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to automate data analysis, decision-making, and workflow integration for tasks.

BYOB tool is an AI-driven sidekick that can assist with all data and decision-making needs. It can connect to multiple data sources and sort, organize, and build a knowledge repository. It can also train itself to have as much context as possible and deliver analytics and real-time actionable insights. It can also integrate with existing workflows and tools. It can be used for product analysis, customer sentiment analysis, predictive product demand forecasting, financial data analysis, lead scoring and qualification, market trend analysis and competitor intelligence, automated budget tracking and forecasting, audience segmentation and targeting, and more.


Census GPT

What can I do with this tool?
A tool for US demographics and statics.

Census GPTStar is a tool that allows users to search for data about cities, neighborhoods, and other geographic areas. It provides information about population size, crime rates, gender ratios, racial demographics, and more. It also allows users to improve existing maps.



What can I do with this tool?
A platform for data analysis

ChartPixel is an intuitive platform designed to make data analysis accessible to everyone. It provides users with a simple and transparent approach to understanding and utilizing data effectively, with features such as auto-selecting the most relevant columns and chart types, cleaning messy data, engineering interesting new features, and guiding users through the data analysis process. ChartPixel also allows users to create charts and insights from raw data, spreadsheets, webpages and databases, as well as visualize data with map charts and animations and export into PowerPoint.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to extract and answers questions from documents and Youtube videos.

ChatDox is an AI-powered tool designed to streamline the process of extracting information from various types of documents, such as PDFs, DOCXs, TXTs, and CSVs, as well as Youtube videos. Users can upload their files or add Youtube links and then ask ChatDox specific questions, receiving instant, accurate answers. This functionality is particularly useful for students, scholars, businesses, and professionals who need to quickly understand content, summarize videos, analyze documents, or find specific information without manually sifting through extensive material. People might want to use ChatDox to save time on research, enhance learning, and improve productivity by making data handling more efficient and secure.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for entrepreneurs to validate and launch business ideas.

Checkmyidea-IA is an AI-based service that helps entrepreneurs validate their side business ideas before launching them. The service provides an analysis of the viability of the idea based on factors such as market demand, competition, and current trends. It also provides recommendations on how to launch the idea and acquire users. Additionally, the service offers discounts for the grand production launch.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for patentability assessment and protection for intellectual property.

Chekable AI, an innovative platform, offers powerful tools for patentability assessment. It employs cutting-edge encryption to protect your invention data. With its semantic search capabilities, it can explore patent databases such as USPTO, EPO, and WIPO. Additionally, Chekable AI utilizes GPT technology to automatically generate patent application drafts. Users can access the platform through Google or email login, select a concept, and obtain a free prior art sample report. Chekable tool streamlines prior art searches, provides instant data-driven insights, and empowers entrepreneurs, businesses, and patent professionals to make well-informed decisions, identify competitors, and protect their intellectual property. Chekable AI also includes features for infringement monitoring, connecting with attorneys, licensees, manufacturers, and offers customized patent insurance.


Claude 3

What can I do with this tool?
A platform with AI assistant for complex tasks, data security, and language models customization.

Claude is a next-generation AI assistant designed to handle a wide range of tasks. It offers powerful models that excel in complex reasoning, creativity, coding, detailed content creation, and more. Claude can process large amounts of text, engage in natural conversations, provide detailed answers, and automate workflows. It ensures data security and offers customizable behavior. With different versions available, users can choose the model that best suits their needs. Claude can be used in customer service, legal, coaching, search, back-office, and sales scenarios. It simplifies tasks and adds value to teams.


CogBias AI

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to minimize biases for improved customer discovery and research.

QuDisc is an AI-powered platform that helps users improve their customer discovery and market research by addressing cognitive biases. It offers features such as AI-powered rephrasing suggestions, bias identification, automated reports, real-time analytics, AI data predictions, and quality score assessment. By leveraging these features, users can ask better questions, minimize biases, and obtain more impactful insights. QuDisc aims to prevent the failure of startups and products caused by cognitive biases, ultimately helping businesses grow by enabling them to gather better answers and make informed decisions.



What can I do with this tool?
A platform for competitive analysis.

Competely is an AI-powered competitive analysis tool that helps marketers, PMs, and founders save time on tedious research. It provides a detailed comparison of competitors across dozens of dimensions, such as marketing, product, pricing, audience, customer sentiment, company info, and SWOT analysis. It also offers a discounted one-time payment of $19.


Confident AI

What can I do with this tool?
An open-source evaluation platform for LLMs A/B testing and output classification.

Confident AI is an open-source evaluation platform for LLMs (language models). It enables companies of all sizes to test and evaluate their LLM implementations and deploy them with confidence. It provides users with 12+ metrics, 17k evaluations, A/B testing, output classification, dataset generation, detailed monitoring, and more.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to synthesize and analyze customer feedback across multiple channels for products and customer insights.

CustomerIQ is an AI-driven platform designed to compile and analyze customer feedback from various channels such as calls, surveys, tickets, and transcripts. It helps organizations automatically identify and quantify recurring themes within feedback, enabling teams across sales, support, and engineering to align on customer needs and prioritize work effectively. By offering native integrations, AI filters, and automated highlight extraction, CustomerIQ allows companies to shift from reactive to proactive customer engagement, accelerate product development, and increase revenue while reducing wasted resources. Businesses may want to use CustomerIQ to make data-driven decisions, enhance customer satisfaction, and build better products by leveraging customer insights.



What can I do with this tool?
AI-generated summaries of your legal docs

Detangle is an AI-based tool that simplifies complex legal documents into easy-to-understand summaries. It can process documents from websites, PDFs, and text that is pasted in. Detangle charges based on the length of the document, with a typical 3-5 page document costing around $25. Detangle also takes security very seriously and all documents and their summarizations are automatically deleted 24 hours after upload.


Dime A Dozen

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to validate business ideas.

Dimeadozen is an AI-powered tool that helps to validate business ideas in seconds. It provides market research, launch and scale, and raise capital insights for businesses. It also offers competitive analysis, business overviews, elevator pitches, and potential risks for businesses. Additionally, it provides users with SEO copy, website copy, and investor pitches.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for teams to collaborate, query, create, and analyze data.

Echobase is a tool for teams to query, create, and analyze their files. It utilizes the best AI models available to answer questions related to the knowledge base, create new content based off the content within the datasets, and aggregate and analyze data. It also offers features such as no-code, uploading or syncing files, team collaboration, and robust data protection and privacy assurance.



What can I do with this tool?
An automated research assistant with workflows.

Elicit is a research assistant tool that uses language models to automate research workflows, such as literature reviews. It can find relevant papers, summarize key points from them, and extract important information. Additionally, it can help with other tasks such as brainstorming, summarizing, and text classification.



What can I do with this tool?
Upload a paper, highlight confusing text, get an explanation.

Upload a paper, highlight confusing text, get an explanation. A better way to read academic papers. There's not much more explanation needed.



What can I do with this tool?
AI assistant that provides users with simplified explanations and summaries of long pages

ExplainThis AI is a text generation library with pre-trained language models that provides users with an AI assistant to help them understand and digest long pages. It can explain concepts in plain language and provide a summary of the entire page with a single click.


Explore AI

What can I do with this tool?
AI Powered Search for Youtube Videos

Explore AI is a free and easy-to-use tool that enables users to quickly search for answers inside thousands of YouTube videos. The tool offers the ability to filter results by selecting multiple channels for more specific answers, and a time-stamp button for directly navigating to the exact moment of a video. It includes a wide range of popular channels, podcasts and influential people in technology, with more added every week.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to check text for mistakes, bias, controversial claims and find credible sources.

The Factiverse AI Editor is an online text editor that uses artificial intelligence to analyze text for mistakes, bias, disputes, and controversial claims. It can be used to check any text created by humans or chatbots, such as ChatGPT. The tool is designed to help users identify and correct errors and biases in their writing, as well as to find credible sources to support their claims.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to access and analyze Google Analytics 4 data.

Findly is an AI-powered tool that enables users to communicate with their Google Analytics 4 data. With Findly, users can query their data in plain language and generate intuitive visualizations and reports that can be customized, exported, and shared. Additionally, Findly offers streamlined integrations with Google Analytics and Slack, as well as tiered pricing options that are tailored to different organization sizes and needs.


Flash Insights

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to summarize and get actionable insights from any online content.

Flash Insights is a browser extension that enables users to quickly and efficiently extract valuable insights from any web page or video. It is optimized for use with AI chatbots, allowing users to get detailed summaries, bullet points, simplified explanations, or action plans tailored to their needs and preferences. Flash Insights is free and accessible to everyone, providing quick and actionable insights from any online content.



What can I do with this tool?
Genei is tool to research and summarization.

Genei is an AI-powered tool that helps writers and researchers save time and improve the quality of their work. It offers features including keyword extraction, summarization, document management, file storage, annotation capabilities, reference generator, and citation management. It also includes an AI-powered Chrome extension that allows users to summarize webpages or save them for later. Additionally, Genei Pro provides 70% higher quality AI, access to GPT3, multi-document summarization, search and question answering, and rephrasing and paraphrasing functionality.



What can I do with this tool?
A search engine to find useful answers from online communities.

GigaBrain is a search engine that scans billions of online comments and discussions from platforms like Reddit to provide users with useful and relevant answers. It automatically threads together the most useful answers with source citations and allows users to rate comments based on relevance. Additionally, users can post their own questions through GigaPost to be syndicated to all relevant subreddits. GigaBrain helps users find out what real people think so they can save time and gain brain cells.


Gimme Summary AI

What can I do with this tool?
Chrome extension that uses ChatGPT AI to summarize articles on the web

Gimme Summary AI is a free Chrome extension that allows users to summarize articles on the web using ChatGPT AI. It is 100% free and privacy friendly, and works in all Chromium-based browsers such as Chrome, Brave, and Edge. It also has a keyboard shortcut feature to launch the extension, and the developer provides support and troubleshooting on Github.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to curate personalized scientific paper newsletters.

GoatStack is an AI-powered newsletter agent designed to keep professionals and researchers up-to-date with the latest scientific papers. The tool reads over 4000 papers daily, selecting the most critical ones based on user preferences, and compiles them into a personalized insights newsletter. This service is particularly beneficial for those at tier-1 research centers or anyone needing to stay abreast of advancements in specific fields like AI, facilitating quick access to relevant breakthroughs and developments without the time investment of manual search and review. Users might want to use GoatStack to save time, streamline their research process, and ensure they never miss important updates in their domain of interest.


GPT Researcher

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to deploy AI agents for comprehensive online research and report generation.

GPT Researcher is an autonomous agent designed to perform comprehensive online research on a variety of tasks. It uses GPT-4 language models to generate research questions, trigger a crawler agent to scrape online resources for information, summarize based on relevant information, filter and aggregate the information, and generate a research report. It includes an easy-to-use web interface and can export research reports to PDF.



What can I do with this tool?
A github repository for hosting language models locally.

GPT4All is a language model tool that allows users to chat with a locally hosted AI inside a web browser, export chat history, and customize the AI's personality.



What can I do with this tool?
A nocode gui for fine-tunning LLMs.

H2O LLM Studio is a powerful framework and user-friendly graphical interface (GUI) specifically designed for fine-tuning state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs). With H2O LLM Studio, users can easily modify and optimize these advanced language models to suit their specific needs and applications. The tool provides a streamlined workflow for fine-tuning LLMs, allowing users to leverage the latest advancements in natural language processing without extensive coding knowledge. H2O LLM Studio empowers users to customize and enhance the performance of LLMs, opening up new possibilities for natural language understanding and generation tasks.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to automate user interview analysis by providing transcription, emotional analysis, and pattern identification.

Hellooo is an AI-powered user interview software designed to streamline the research process by transcribing, analyzing, and identifying patterns within interviews. It offers high-quality transcripts in multiple languages, emotional analysis, and the ability to generate insights across various interviews rapidly. Users can record interviews directly or upload files for processing. This tool is particularly useful for product managers, UX researchers, and others in user-centric roles who need to quickly understand user sentiments, pinpoint pain points, and make informed decisions based on user feedback. People might want to use Hellooo to save time, improve the accuracy of their qualitative data analysis, and enhance their ability to share actionable insights with their teams.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to knowledge exploration for diverse topics.

Heuristi.ca is a simpler and better way to learn, research, and write using AI-powered concept maps. With Heuristi.ca, you can dive deep into any topic via branching explorations using a mindmap-like interface. It doesn't require you to do any prompt engineering. You can simply press buttons to interact with AI. Create deep knowledge explorations for research, learning, and creating content.



What can I do with this tool?
AI-powered survey tool to collect feedback and insights

Holler is a dead simple yet powerful survey creation and analysis tool that allows you to quickly generate and share beautiful one-question surveys, and then analyze the collected data using AI prompts.


Honesty Meter

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to identify potential bias in writing with an objective score.

Honesty Meter is designed to help identify potential bias in articles or other pieces of writing. It provides an "objectivity score" that can be used to tell if a piece of content is more or less biased. The tool can be used to evaluate content based on individual or group beliefs and values, but it should be used with respect and discretion.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to analyze conversational data from LLM-powered apps.

Impaction.ai is a conversational data analytics platform that helps product teams easily analyze conversational data generated from LLM-powered apps. It provides easy integration, secure and compliant analysis, and intuitive insights from its powerful search, Columbus Copilot, and tailored recommendations. It is SOC II Type 1 Certified and works with most data sources including AWS S3, GCP Bigquery, PostgreSQL, MySQL and more. It provides actionable insights, allowing users to easily save, group, and monitor conversations.



What can I do with this tool?
A customer feedback tool to automate analysis, insight generation, and backlog management.

Inari is an AI-powered customer feedback tool that helps teams automate customer feedback analysis, insight generation, and backlog management. It allows users to unify customer feedback from unstructured and structured sources into a unified hub, and provides a streamlined workflow to manage it all. Inari also automatically analyzes customer sentiment and highlights top requests, defects, praises, and learnings across user interviews. It also helps surface product insights and visualize trends in real-time, and allows users to map customers directly to requests, questions, behaviors, and other learnings. Additionally, Inari can push insights, summaries, and backlog requests directly to tools such as Slack, JIRA, and Linear.



What can I do with this tool?
Visual AI text analysis and insight generation tool.

InfraNodus is an AI-powered text network visualization tool that helps to generate insight and new ideas. It can represent any text as a network and identify and visualize the main ideas, relations between them, and blind spots. It uses natural language processing algorithms and GPT-3 AI to generate highly relevant queries to help come up with interesting ideas, facts, and research questions. It has data import and export capabilities, text mining and sentiment analysis, network analysis and visualization, multilingual support, and is private by default. It also has a mindmap and knowledge graph feature, and an API. It is an open-source, “organic†software developed without external funds or investors.



What can I do with this tool?
A platform for uncovering customer insights.

Insight7 is an AI tool that helps teams discover customer insights 10x faster. It enables users to upload customer data (documents, audio, videos, etc.), extract insights, and visualize and share them with one click. It can also answer questions about customer feedback, automatically extract insights from feedback, and generate reports in one click. Additionally, it provides solutions for product managers, startup founders, researchers, designers, marketers and customer success managers.



What can I do with this tool?
A data analyst chatbot to visualize and analyze data.

Julius is a personal AI data analyst that helps people quickly understand and analyze their data. It allows users to connect to various data sources, such as Excel Sheets, Google Sheets, and Postgres, and generate data visualizations, such as bar charts, histograms, and heat maps. It also enables users to export data and save their analysis.


Khan Academy

What can I do with this tool?
A tool for personalized tutoring guides.

Khanmigo is an AI-powered guide created by Khan Academy that provides tutoring for learners and assistance for teachers. It leverages AI to bring the benefits of one-on-one tutoring to all students, while also offering interactive experiences and real-time feedback to help learners hone their computer science skills. To help develop and shape the future of learning, Khan Academy is inviting approximately 1,000 teachers, students, and school district administrators to test and provide feedback. A $20 monthly donation is requested of those who want to test Khanmigo.


Kino AI

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to automate media asset management and editing processes.

Kino AI is an AI assistant for tracking footage metadata and organizing media assets. It provides users with various features, such as inferred metadata, keyword indexing, seamless footage browsing, backup, sync, and organize, AI transcription, metadata labeling, and more. Kino AI automates mundane and essential parts of a workflow to make the editing process more efficient. A private beta is coming soon, and users are invited to join the waitlist to get early access.


Legalese Decoder

What can I do with this tool?
Translate Legal docs to plain English

Legalese Decoder is a web application that uses AI, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning (ML) to analyze legal documents and convert them into plain language versions that are easier to understand. It is designed to help people quickly and accurately understand the meaning of legal documents.


Lemonado AI

What can I do with this tool?
A platform to search, analyze, and share data without writing code.

Lemonado is a business software platform that allows users to access AI-powered data search capabilities without needing to write code. It allows users to ask questions in plain language and get the answers from their data. It also provides features such as copy-paste results to any spreadsheet, sync Google Sheets with Lemonado, invite team members to their workspace, and get data out of protectedData, metadata, and publicData fields.



What can I do with this tool?
A LLM with extensive text contexts and long context understanding.

LongLLaMA is a large language model designed for handling extensive text contexts, capable of processing up to 256,000 tokens. It's based on OpenLLaMA and fine-tuned using the Focused Transformer (FoT) method. The repository offers a smaller 3B base variant of LongLLaMA on an Apache 2.0 license for use in existing implementations. Additionally, it provides code for instruction tuning and FoT continued pretraining. LongLLaMA's key innovation is in its ability to manage contexts significantly longer than its training data, making it useful for tasks that demand extensive context understanding. It includes tools for easy integration into Hugging Face for natural language processing tasks.



What can I do with this tool?
A platform with research assistant to centralize and summarize data from calls and videos.

Looppanel is an AI-powered research assistant that allows users to record calls, transcribe them, and centralize research data in one place. It offers highly accurate transcripts across multiple languages, time-stamped notes of key moments, and the ability to create clips of user behavior. It also allows users to collaborate with team members for free, embed video clips in other applications, and share report summaries with a link.


Lyzr AI

What can I do with this tool?
A tool for AI development with specialized SDKs for chatbots, helpdesk automation, data analysis, and multimodal knowledge retrieval.

Lyzr AI offers a suite of fully integrated Agent SDKs designed to enable enterprises to build GenAI applications quickly and efficiently. These SDKs can be used for creating advanced chatbots with deep session memory, automating helpdesk support with fine-tuned LLMs, conducting data analysis through natural language queries, and developing a multi-modal knowledge base that can search and retrieve data from various formats. People might want to use Lyzr AI to leverage state-of-the-art AI capabilities in their products, ensuring private and secure data handling, and to benefit from the ease of integration into existing systems, all backed by 24/7 support and a flat-rate pricing model. The tool is particularly useful for businesses looking to incorporate cutting-edge AI into their services without the complexity of building such systems from scratch.


Magic Dash

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to visualize data and insights.

Magic Dash AI is a Quick Insight Assistant that allows users to quickly visualize any insight in seconds without writing queries. It supports Airtable and MongoDB databases and provides users with an easy-to-use, intuitive interface. It is designed to save resources and provide users with faster insights.



What can I do with this tool?
Use AI to predict links instead of text

This new search engine uses natural language processing to understand prompts, allowing users to search the internet in creative and expressive ways. It is designed to make searching the internet feel less like a wall of ads.


Myreader AI

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to ask and answer questions about book content.

Myreader AIÂ tool allows users to upload any book or document, ask questions about topics in the book, and receive answers based on the content of the book with corresponding sections to read more.



What can I do with this tool?
Private search engine with AI

Neeva is a private search engine and browser that is 100% ad-free and never sells or shares members' data with any third party. It offers two plans for members to choose between, a Free Basic membership and a paid, Premium membership. The Free Basic plan is completely free and full-featured, allowing members to search both the web and connected personal accounts like Gmail or Dropbox, set news and shopping preferences, and search from multiple devices. Neeva also offers a Premium membership that includes unlimited searches and privacy-protecting tools like a Premium Password Manager and VPN. Neeva is available for both iOS and Android devices, and its browser extension is compatible with all major browsers.



What can I do with this tool?
A platform for consumer trend forecasting and generate insights.

Nextatlas is an AI-powered trend forecasting service that helps businesses uncover consumer trends. It provides an end-to-end trend research platform with AI-driven analysis and insight into emerging trends. It also offers custom solutions tailored to specific business challenges and provides data-rich trend prediction built through analysis on the interests and behaviors of early adopters, experts, and innovators. It also offers a weekly newsletter to keep customers up to date on trends, consumer insights, reports, and events.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for scientists to uncover novel insights from biomedical data sources.

NExTNet tool is a platform that helps scientists discover hidden connections and generate hypotheses from disparate data sources. It is a cloud-based platform that allows users to discover insights from biomedical publications, drugs, genes, proteins and pathways, with an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI). It provides semantic search capabilities, no-code access to data beyond text, and live collaboration features to enable efficient communication and decision making.



What can I do with this tool?
A platform for research, data analysis and insights.

Notably is an AI-powered platform that helps users to analyze research data, enabling research excellence. It provides users with features such as a research repository, AI research, video transcription, cluster analysis, digital sticky notes, and AI templates. Notably's AI-powered platform can help users to discover insights from research data instantly. It also provides a knowledge base, blog, and roadmap.



What can I do with this tool?
A platform to create custom AI systems and process data.

OmniMind.ai is a tool to create custom AI systems, extract, transform, and load data with AI precision. It supports a variety of AI algorithms and allows the use of personal data and knowledge base. OmniMind.ai offers low-code AI customization for various use cases, and it can be used to process data without coding on AI rails. The platform comes with multiple subscription plans and can be used for research, business, or enterprise solutions. It provides a user-friendly interface and features dark and light themes. Users can leverage AI learning scales and sync content on a monthly or yearly basis.


OpenPlayground Compare

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to compare different language models.

OpenPlayground Compare is a tool that let's you compare 25 AIÂ language models and put them to test against each other. It can be used to evaluate the performance of each AI model and select the most appropriate one for your project. You can also use it to compare different versions of the same model and select the best performing one. Additionally, you can customize the test parameters to suit your project's specific requirements.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to access, interact with, and edit papers.

OpenRead is an AI-powered interactive paper platform that provides a fast, intuitive, and creative way to access and interact with papers. It features a Paper Q&A tool that allows users to quickly answer any questions they have about a paper, a Paper Espresso feature that helps to generate literature reviews quickly, an AI-powered research tool that accelerates the reading process, a low code paper editor, and a powerful notes system with backlinks and outgoing links for increased efficiency. Additionally, there are thousands of free and pre-built journal paper templates to help users get started quickly. OpenRead also hosts its own seminar series and a research community and university alliance for collaboration.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for research, source insights, data, and opinions.

OpinioAI is an AI-powered research tool designed to help marketing, product, and academic researchers easily and quickly source relevant insights, data, and opinions without relying on costly polls, surveys, and other legacy methods. The platform features a Persona Builder to help build buyer personas in detail, Ask Away to get help, advice, or insights to any specific questions, Analyze to upload datasets, reports, research publications, and academic papers to be processed and analyzed by AI, and Evaluate to get feedback on messaging.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for competitor research.

Opinly AI tool is an automated and free competitor research tool that helps users to save time and improve their product. It allows users to input a YouTube link of a competitor review, and then it generates a comprehensive report with valuable insights on the competitor's performance, strengths, and weaknesses.



What can I do with this tool?
Scans content to determine if it was generated with AI

Originality.AI is a plagiarism and AI detection tool specifically designed for web publishers. It includes features such as team management, auto-billing, and a scan history by user, as well as an AI writing detection tool. It can detect if content was generated by popular AI writing tools such as GPT-3, GPT-2, GPT-NEO, and GPT-J, and provides a score from 0-100 on the likelihood that the content was produced by an AI writing tool. It also includes a full site scan feature (coming soon), which allows users to scan an entire website for plagiarism and AI content. It is available for a low price of $0.01 per 100 words per scan, with automatic billing.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to market research and market insights.

Osum is an AI-powered market research tool designed to significantly reduce research time from weeks to seconds. By entering any product URL, users gain instant access to comprehensive research, including SWOT analysis, buyer personas, growth opportunities, and more. The tool emphasizes increasing revenue and profits through the efficient use of customer insights, outperforming campaigns, and implementing targeted pricing strategies. Osum facilitates strategic planning with features like SWOT analysis, business reports, market opportunity identification, and buyer persona creation. The platform enables users to tap into actionable insights quickly, making market research more accessible and impactful for business strategies.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for research, organizing and writing content.

Otio is an AI-powered research and writing platform designed to streamline the research process for scholars and researchers. It allows users to capture various forms of content such as academic papers, videos, and articles, and then uses AI to organize and summarize this material, providing key takeaways quickly and efficiently. Users can then engage with their readings through follow-up questions and start writing with AI assistance that is grounded in the sources they have provided. Otio is particularly useful for those inundated with vast amounts of information and looking to enhance their productivity and the quality of their research output by leveraging the capabilities of AI models like GPT-4 and Claude. People might want to use it to save time, reduce information overload, and ensure their writing is informed by accurate and relevant data.


Paper Wizard

What can I do with this tool?
Write papers with citations from famous experts

Choose from one of the available collections and ask any question you like about this subject. Choose between a detailed answer, a draft essay and an essay plus extended source summary.



What can I do with this tool?
A Python-based data processing framework optimized for AI applications and integrates with ML libraries.

Pathway is a high-performance data processing framework designed specifically for the AI era, enabling developers to efficiently build stream processing pipelines in Python. It facilitates the handling of live data sources such as Kafka, APIs, cloud storage, and databases, making it ideal for real-time operational analytics, AI-powered insights, and event-processing applications. Users might want to use Pathway for its ability to deliver low-latency, high-throughput, and consistent data processing capabilities, as well as its seamless integration with machine learning libraries and large language models (LLMs). Its user-friendly Python framework also supports rapid prototyping and scalable deployment, which is valuable for applications ranging from anomaly detection and time series analysis to live data enrichment and real-time monitoring.


PDF Parser

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to analyze, visualize, and communicate data for insights.

PDFÂ Parser tool is a tool that can help you to analyze and visualize data to find patterns, correlations, and trends in your data. It can help you to identify key insights and take action on them. It can also help you to create interactive and engaging visualizations that can be used to communicate your data story to stakeholders.


Percy Lab

What can I do with this tool?
Percy Lab can generate very complete texts on demand with the Open AI api.

Percy Lab can generate very complete texts on demand with the Open AI api. * Site is in French



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for centralized document management, collaboration, and generative answers.

Petal is an AI tool that helps users link to their own knowledge bases to produce accurate and reliable answers. It provides a centralized location for documents and can automatically extract and deduplicate metadata. It also features collaboration tools like annotation and sharable links. Petal is trusted by 20,000+ researchers and industry experts and is free to use.



What can I do with this tool?
AI search engine for developers

Phind (formerly Hello) is a search engine that provides users with instant answers to technical questions. Powered by AI language models, Phind generates answers from multiple sources. Users can customize their search results by specifying domains they would like to see more or less of on the filters page and they can also use !g or !ddg shortcuts to quickly use Google or DuckDuckGo.



What can I do with this tool?
An iOS app to analyze images to generate educational questions and insights.

Picurious is an AI-powered mobile application that transforms images into educational experiences by allowing users to explore and learn about the content within their photographs. By analyzing pictures, the app generates questions and provides insights related to various subjects such as history, botany, art, and design. Users can discover the identity of plants, architectural styles, historical figures, and much more, making it a valuable tool for students, educators, hobbyists, or anyone with a keen interest in learning more about the world around them through visual cues. People might want to use Picurious to satisfy their curiosity, enhance their knowledge, and engage with their environment in a more interactive and informative way.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to visualize and analyze ChatGPT data.

PlotGPT is a Data Analyst tool that helps users visualize and analyze their ChatGPT data. It provides intuitive visualizations of data, allowing users to quickly and easily interpret the insights they gain. The tool also offers customizable options for data analysis, enabling users to tailor their analysis to their specific needs.



What can I do with this tool?
Ask questions and get responses from Quora

Poe lets you ask questions, get instant answers, and have back-and-forth conversations with AI. Powered by Quora.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to automate scoring and feedback to evaluate job applicants.

Potis is an AI-powered service that automatically evaluates the real work skills of applicants and provides detailed scores for each candidate. It is designed to speed up the screening process by 5 times, reduce costs for businesses, and provide a fair and bias-free hiring solution. Potis also provides custom feedback, scores, and advice to each applicant.



What can I do with this tool?
A nocode tool to create knowledge bases.

Powerdrill is a tool that helps users bridge their data with AI, allowing them to create AI-powered knowledge bases with zero coding knowledge and streamline the creation of LLM-powered knowledge bases over private datasets. It also provides more accurate answers to questions based on user datasets than ChatGPT. Additionally, it provides access to OpenAI ecosystem tools, such as ChatGPT plugins, ChatGPT client access without an OpenAI account, and ChatGPT interaction with datasets without an OpenAI account.



What can I do with this tool?
Provides students with helpful tools and resources to improve their learning and studying

Project Ai is a research project that uses AI mechanisms to provide students with tools to improve their writing, summarization and outlining, as well as creating presentations and learning/studying resources such as flashcards. Users can enter their input and receive a response that can be copied/pasted or exported to supported platforms. It's build for Apple iOs.



What can I do with this tool?
A platform for storing and retrieving unstructured data.

Quivr is a cloud-based platform designed to store and quickly retrieve unstructured data. It can handle almost any type of data, from text to images to code snippets, and is designed for speed and efficiency. Quivr also offers secure data control and is open-source and free to use.


Read Pilot

What can I do with this tool?
Generate Q&A cards from online articles

Read Pilot is a tool that analyzes online articles and generates Q&A cards for users.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for content summarization and organization.

Recall is an AI-powered knowledge base that helps users summarize, categorize, and review any online content. It includes features such as summarizing any online content, automatic categorization, automatic connections, spaced repetition, data export, offline-first capabilities, and more.


Research Studio

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to automate research analysis with insights and summaries.

Research Studio tool is an AI-powered research analysis automation that allows users to drag and drop their research files for summarization, AI chat, sentiment analysis, and more. It also offers insights and takeaways, average persona data diagrams, and cloud sync.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to get insights from qualitative data and enables decisions at scale.

Reveal ai is a tool that enables qualitative research and discovery at scale. It enables users to connect with hundreds or thousands of people at once using AI interviews, automatically surface key insights from qualitative interview data using AI, and make decisions and drive business impact based on real-time feedback. It also allows users to hear directly from customers, employees, or partners in their own words and quickly move from data, to insights, to action.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to automate candidate sourcing to match job requirements with top talent.

Scalescout is an AI-powered sourcing tool designed to assist recruiters in finding qualified candidates quickly and efficiently. Utilizing advanced algorithms trained on vast amounts of candidate data, it automates the talent search process, scouring the web for top talents and scoring their compatibility with specific job requirements. Recruiters might want to use Scalescout to significantly reduce the time and cost associated with traditional sourcing methods, receive unbiased candidate analysis, and handle multiple job openings simultaneously, allowing for a streamlined hiring process that delivers a high volume of potential hires at a fraction of the usual effort.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for researchers to automate academic writing tasks.

SciPub+ is an AI-powered academic writing tool tailored for researchers. Created by active researchers, it aligns with scholarly writing conventions, providing specialized assistance for each writing stage. The 10 assistants automate repetitive tasks, guiding users through sections like introduction and discussion. Following best practices, SciPub+ improves writing skills by exposing users to proper style and structure. By structuring articles and overcoming writer's block, it enhances productivity. Developed for academia, it aims to replace generic tools with a focused, efficient, and skill-improving writing experience.


SciSpace by Typeset

What can I do with this tool?
Discover, Create, and Publish your research paper

Your AI Copilot to decode any research paper. Highlight confusing text, math, and tables to get a simple explanation. Ask follow-up questions and get instant answers. A new way to search and find relevant papers without specifying keywords. â€



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to question and summarize PDFs.

Search+ AI is an AI-powered tool enabling interactive questioning and summarization of PDF documents, saving time for individuals, teams, and organizations. It offers an intuitive chat interface, allowing users to delve into PDFs, extracting insights with conversational simplicity. Tailored for individuals, teams, and organizations, the tool transforms document analysis into a conversation-led approach, aiding informed decision-making. With precise search capabilities and AI-driven understanding, Search+ AI streamlines workflow interactions with digital libraries. The pricing plans include free, Pro, and Enterprise options, catering to diverse business needs, providing features like unlimited document uploads, team collaboration, and custom integrations.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to extract and save data from websites for your custom GPTs.

Simplescraper is a tool that allows users to easily extract data from websites and convert it into a JSON or CSV file. It also provides tools for uploading the extracted data to OpenAI, as well as a Chrome extension for more convenient scraping. Additionally, Simplescraper provides a number of options for saving and using the data, such as saving it to Google Sheets, Airtable, Zapier, Make (Integromat), and more.


Slite - Ask

What can I do with this tool?
Ask questions and get answers from your company's existing documentation

Slite's new AI assistant – Ask – answers questions based on your team's documentation. Take the pain out of finding info, learning from the past, and getting new team mates up to speed. Have a question? Just ask.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to launch business ideas.

Spective is an AI-powered business coach that helps entrepreneurs kick-start their entrepreneurial dreams. It provides an AI-guided conversation about the user's business idea, an analysis of the idea from 20 different perspectives, an AI-generated pitch deck, and a step-by-step roadmap to reach the user's business milestone. Spective is trained and backed by experienced business coaches, combining the best of AI power and human expertise for customer benefit.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to expedite contract drafting for lawyers using redlining.

Spellbook Reviews is an AI-powered redlining tool for lawyers that enables them to draft contracts 10x faster. It uses GPT-4 and other large language models to review and suggest terms for contracts in Microsoft Word, detect aggressive terms, suggest important language and clauses that may be missing from the contract, and provide negotiation suggestions. Spellbook has been trained on billions of lines of legal text and can reference facts about the world. It also has an Early Access waitlist with over 83,000 lawyers signed up to try it.


Stable Attribution

What can I do with this tool?
Identify the creators of AI-trained images and share their attribution link

The Stable Attribution tool allows people to identify the creators of images that have been used to train an AI. It works by uploading an image generated by Stable Diffusion and will identify the human-made source images and the people who made them. It also allows users to share the attribution link of the creator if known.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to generate reports to help refine and develop business ideas.

StarterBuild is an AI-driven platform designed to assist entrepreneurs and businesses in developing and refining their business ideas. It generates comprehensive reports that provide strategic insights, including risks and solutions, monetization strategies, value propositions, user personas, branding advice, market size analysis, feature roadmaps, and potential AI integration. These reports are customizable and aim to guide users through the process of validating and improving their business concepts to save time, resources, and enhance their chances of success. People might want to use StarterBuild to gain a competitive edge, make informed decisions, and accelerate their business development with data-backed strategies.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for website traffic insights and reveals UX issues through user behavior replay.

Stey.ai is an AI-assisted user behavior replay tool that provides actionable insights and reveals UX issues. It has features such as user behavior playback, user behavior analytics, user experience report, and instant analysis. It is free during the Beta phase and does not raise privacy concerns. It is loved by industry leaders and helps build a better product that users will love.


Talk Web

What can I do with this tool?
A Google Chrome Extension to talk to any website and content summarization.

Talk Web is an AI-powered tool that allows users to talk to and ask questions from any website. It quickly provides important facts, summarizes news, and extracts key takeaways from long documents. By conversing with web pages, users save time and effortlessly obtain key points. The tool proves beneficial for researchers, students, marketers, content creators, and software engineers who face large amounts of reading material daily. Its use cases encompass getting valuable insights from websites, summarizing content, extracting information from blog posts and research journals, and efficiently going through morning news to read more in less time.



What can I do with this tool?
A utility to automate research with comprehensive, accurate and credible results.

Tavily AI is an automated research tool that helps users save time and energy researching topics. It allows users to share their objectives and questions, and then it provides comprehensive, accurate and credible research results directly to the user's inbox within minutes. It is suitable for both individual and enterprise needs and includes sources in the research results.


Teach Anything

What can I do with this tool?
Teaches you anything in seconds

Teach Anything tool is a teaching tool that allows users to quickly get answers to their questions by selecting a language, a difficulty level, and writing a question.



What can I do with this tool?
TED Talk Summarizer

TEDÂ SMRZR tool provides punctuated TED Talks to read, and also produces short summaries of all available TED Talks. It also allows users to compare similar TED Talks for deeper insights.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for research discovery and implementation support.

TextLayer is an AI-powered research platform that enables users to access cutting-edge research papers and discover powerful insights. It provides a search portal and suggests tailored recommendations based on user interests, as well as quick summaries and AI-powered implementation support. TextLayer also offers a free plan, allowing everyone to experience its AI technology.


Three Sigma

What can I do with this tool?
A research tool to find and trace information from documents.

Three Sigma is an AI research tool that enables users to quickly and easily locate the information they are looking for in documents, as well as trace the exact origin of their answers. It can also help to reduce the time spent reading documents by up to 90%. It also offers a free solo mode, and will soon offer reference tables and charts with GPT-4.



What can I do with this tool?
Automated summarization, metadata extraction, paraphrasing, and clickbait filtering

TLDR This is a tool that helps users summarize any piece of text into concise, easy-to-digest content. It provides advanced human-like summaries, automated article summarization with a click, distraction and ad-free reading, metadata extraction, and clickbait filtering. It has a paraphrasing tool to rewrite content in a different style and voice, and browser extensions to summarize webpages with a click.


Trademark Owl

What can I do with this tool?
A tool for trademark registration and minimizing complications.

Trademark Owl is a self-service, AI-powered platform designed to simplify the process of trademark registration for users looking to protect their brand's unique symbols, words, phrases, or designs. It guides users through a step-by-step application process, utilizes AI to provide suggestions and highlight potential conflicts with existing trademarks, and offers transparent pricing that includes all required USPTO fees. People might want to use it to save time and money on legal fees, avoid the complexity of traditional trademark filing, and ensure their application is filed correctly the first time, thus reducing the risk of delays and rejections.



What can I do with this tool?
Creates courses on anything

Type a prompt of something that you want to learn and it will generate a course for you to go through to better understand what you want to learn.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for researching and sort your knowledge.

Tyles is a research tool that accelerates knowledge acquisition compared to other note-taking apps. It enables effortless extraction of valuable insights from various sources with a single click, eliminating manual data entry. Tyles employs advanced AI technology to automatically organize findings, acting as a personal assistant for analysis and categorization. Users can utilize these highlights to quickly generate outputs like articles, reports, or compelling storylines. By streamlining the research process, Tyles frees up time and effort, allowing users to focus on creativity and achieve goals efficiently, gaining a competitive edge.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for learning, simplifying topics, and summarize content.

Unriddle is a research tool that helps users read, write, and learn faster. It simplifies complex topics, provides quick answers to questions, and connects ideas based on semantic meaning. It features an AI assistant that can generate summaries and understand documents in seconds, a needle-in-the-haystack search feature, and text auto-completion. Unriddle also offers a Chrome extension that allows users to summarize articles with a single click.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for research, collect feedback, transcribe audio/video, and store knowledge.

URAi is an AI-powered tool that helps users plan their research, collect in-depth feedback, generate reports, transcribe audio and video, search for insights, collaborate with team members, and create a knowledge library. It enables users to quickly gather feedback in scale, uncover more insights with smart follow-ups, generate actionable reports in real-time, and store and search for insights in their knowledge library.



What can I do with this tool?
AI business validator tool that provides detailed feedback and advice

ValidatorAI.com is a free AI business validator tool that allows users to input their startup idea and receive objective feedback and criticism from an AI. The tool provides detailed feedback regarding market opportunity, legal issues, potential customers, and more. Users can also access articles, quick startup advice, and contact the developer for 1 on 1 help.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to verify corporate proof to increase trust with customers.

Venturefy is a tool that helps businesses increase trust with customers by providing verified corporate proof. It allows businesses to instantly showcase live, verified and interactive logos on their website without the need for a developer. The tool also provides access to search and explore verified relationship listings for the world's corporations.


Vercel AI Playground

What can I do with this tool?
A tool to compare language models.

Vercel AI Playground tool is a collection of AI models and tools from OpenAI, Anthropic, Replicate, Huggingface, and Cohere. It allows users to quickly and easily access and use these models and tools to create AI projects and applications. It includes GPT-4 Pro, GPT-3.5 Turbo, Ada-001, Babbage-001, Curie-001, and Davinci-002 and Davinci-003 models and tools. It also provides access to various big data solutions from BigScience and Google. Users can also access and use Cohere's command-medium-nightly and command-xlarge-nightly models and tools.



What can I do with this tool?
AI company building a smarter world with KOSM.

VERSES specializes in next-generation AI and has developed KOSMâ„¢, the world's first network operating system for distributed intelligence. KOSM creates a shared world model of contextualized data, policies, simulations, and workflows. They aim to build a smarter world by leveraging innovations and technologies inspired by nature. They also offer WAYFINDER, a solution that optimizes warehouse operations by bridging the gap between digital systems and physical operations. VERSES has published breakthrough research on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) and collaborates with industry leaders on AI governance. They invite individuals to join them in creating a smarter world and provide contact information for further engagement.



What can I do with this tool?
AI-powered content discovery tool

ViralViews is an AI-powered tool that provides daily content on specific industries across social media and other platforms. It offers a range of plans for individuals, small teams, agencies, and businesses, and allows users to customize their feeds. It also provides a daily trend report and premium support.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to conduct voice-based surveys for customer and employee feedback.

Vocads offers voice-based surveys for customer and employee feedback. It revolutionizes the survey experience by using Conversational Voice AI, ensuring real, honest, and complete answers. The tool provides quicker surveys that collect richer data, helping businesses adjust their strategies and enhance customer experience. With no-code design, creating voice surveys becomes intuitive and efficient. The platform allows brands to have full control over their data in a GDPR-compliant solution. Voice data offers instant, direct, and enriched insights, capturing not just words but also feelings and emotional responses. Trusted partners and clients praise Vocads for its ease of use and valuable data.


Waveline Extract

What can I do with this tool?
A tool provides api to extract data from documents, images, and PDFs.

Waveline Extract is an API that allows users to extract data from documents, images, and PDFs. It supports a wide range of formats, and users can upload a document or enter text manually to get started. The tool also offers pricing plans, ranging from free for occasional extractions to enterprise for large-scale extractions. Additionally, Waveline Extract provides users with an online help center, and contact information for further assistance.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool to transform customer feedback into actionable insights.

Ween.ai is an AI platform that enables users to turn customer qualitative data into actionable insights in minutes instead of weeks. It provides features such as automated analysis of customer interviews, evidence-based insights, automated assumption-testing, and alignment of research to business goals. Ween.ai also allows users to deep dive into evidence that supports any insight and provides insights from best User Research practices and methods.



What can I do with this tool?
A Google Chrome extension to create white papers.

WhitePaperGPT is an AI-powered Chrome extension that helps content creators create professional white papers quickly and easily. It provides features such as snippet collection and organization, version control, and easy customization options, allowing users to save time while producing high-quality results.



What can I do with this tool?
A platform for scientific writing.

Wisio is an AI-powered platform for scientific writing that enables users to quickly create scientific papers, get personalized suggestions for their text, translate from any language to scientific English, and instantly search and reference the latest findings. It also offers an AI-powered English correction tool to ensure accuracy in writing. Users can join the waitlist to request early access to Wisio.



What can I do with this tool?
AI-powered search engine providing personalized results, private search, and AI-driven tools

You.com, founded in 2020 by top AI research scientists, is a revolutionary AI chatbot and search engine. You.com uses a Large Language Model (LLM) to deliver personalized responses to queries with human-like replies. Its AI tools (YouChat, YouCode, YouWrite, and YouImagine) provide efficient web search, content and image creation, and code generation. With advanced machine learning, You.com streamlines answer to complex questions, aids in tasks, and supports research with citations and up-to-date information, enhancing productivity and saving time.


YouTube Summarized

What can I do with this tool?
Quickly creates summaries of YouTube videos

YouTube Summarized is an AI-driven tool that automatically summarizes YouTube videos. It quickly creates a brief summary of the video by extracting and summarizing key points from the content. This allows users to quickly get an overview of the video, reducing the need to watch the full video.



What can I do with this tool?
A tool for businesses to capture customer insights with targeted surveys and analysis.

Zigpoll is a feedback partner offering on-site surveys to help businesses capture insights from their customers. It offers multiple question formats, advanced targeting rules, third party integrations, and a customizable AI assistant to engage customers and gather quality feedback. It also provides an intuitive dashboard to analyze responses, automatic insights, trend detection, and copywriting support.


As seen on