How EVPs of Strategy Can Amplify Productivity with ChatGPT and Other AI Tools

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the role of the EVP of Strategy has never been more critical. Facing an ever-growing mountain of tasks and strategic decisions, leveraging artificial intelligence can transform productivity and efficiency. AI tools, such as ChatGPT, offer unprecedented avenues to streamline workflows, elevate decision-making, and maintain a competitive edge.

Transforming Strategic Tasks with ChatGPT

EVPs of Strategy often juggle multiple complex tasks that demand a keen eye and thoughtful analysis. Utilizing ChatGPT can significantly alleviate these burdens by automating routine yet essential activities and generating insights that bolster strategic decisions.

Example Tasks Simplified by ChatGPT

1. Market Research

In the early stages of a strategic initiative, diving into market trends and competitor analysis is crucial. ChatGPT can efficiently summarize extensive market reports, highlight key trends, and even generate SWOT analyses based on input data.

2. Strategic Report Writing

Compiling strategic reports is often a time-consuming process. With ChatGPT, crafting initial drafts of these documents can be expedited, allowing EVPs to focus on refining and strategizing rather than composing from scratch.

Effective Prompts for Strategic Executives

Here are a couple of potent prompts that EVPs of Strategy can use with ChatGPT to gain actionable insights and streamline their tasks:

Market Analysis Prompt

Provide a comprehensive market analysis of the [industry] sector, focusing on current trends, leading players, and opportunities. Summarize the findings in a SWOT analysis format.

Strategic Proposal Draft Prompt

Draft a strategic proposal for entering the [new market], including key objectives, potential risks, and a high-level action plan. Make sure to highlight competitive advantages and expected outcomes.

Beyond ChatGPT: Other AI Tools for Strategic Enhancement

While ChatGPT is invaluable, it's just one piece of the AI puzzle. Other AI tools can offer additional layers of support and insight for EVPs of Strategy.


Dataiku empowers strategy executives to harness data science within their strategic planning. By analyzing large datasets, creating predictive models, and visualizing data trends, Dataiku helps in making data-driven decisions with greater precision.


ThoughtSpot is an AI-driven analytics platform that provides instant insights through simple, natural language queries. EVPs can quickly get answers to complex business questions, enabling more informed and timely strategic decisions.

The Future of AI in Strategic Roles

Looking forward, AI's role in strategic decision-making will only deepen. Future advancements could see AI tools like ChatGPT offering real-time scenario planning, strategic simulation modeling, and even virtual advisory boards which can provide continuous support.

Enhanced Predictive Analytics

AI will evolve to offer more sophisticated predictive analytics, enabling EVPs to foresee market shifts and capitalize on emerging opportunities with pinpoint accuracy.

AI-Powered Strategic Collaboration

Collaborative AI platforms will become integral, allowing seamless integration of interdisciplinary insights, further enriching the quality and execution of strategy development.

The Imperative of AI Mastery for EVPs of Strategy

The future is clear: AI won't replace human strategists, but strategists who leverage AI will outpace those who don’t. Mastering AI means higher productivity, faster decisions, and more innovative strategies. It’s about evolving with the times to not just remain relevant but to be a driving force within one's sector.

The ability to get more done efficiently can lead to increased revenue, reduced costs, and a significant competitive advantage. Adapting to AI isn’t just about improving productivity; it’s about future-proofing one’s career and maximizing strategic impact.

Supporting Strategic Executives with Complete AI Training

Are you ready to elevate your strategic prowess with AI? At Complete AI Training, we offer tailored courses to help EVPs of Strategy stay ahead in an AI-driven world. Our AI for EVPs of Strategy course is designed to equip you with all the necessary skills to harness AI effectively.

Moreover, our book, available in both Amazon Kindle and Paperback formats, dives deeper into AI strategies for executives. By committing to learning and adapting to AI, you ensure that your strategic insights remain cutting-edge.

How EVPs of Strategy Can Amplify Productivity with ChatGPT and Other AI Tools