About Complete AI Training

Embark on a journey with us, and you'll access an unmatched arsenal of AI resources tailored to over 240 professions. Our constantly evolving suite includes everything from video courses to custom GPT tools, all engineered to keep you ahead of the curve.

About Complete AI Training

On a Mission to teach the world about AI

At Complete AI Training, it's more than education; it's about empowerment on a massive scale. We're on a mission to train millions, equipping professionals across the globe with AI's transformative power. Our aim? To catapult your career into tomorrow, ensuring you're not just keeping up—you're leading the way. With us, you'll not only safeguard your position but redefine it, turning AI into your most invaluable ally.

With a Vision

Imagine a future where AI doesn't just complement your work—it amplifies it. At Complete AI Training, our vision is to turn this into your reality. We're here to make AI work for you, not against you, helping you future-proof your skills, save a wealth of time, and secure your job. In this rapidly evolving landscape, it's not about whether AI will replace you—it's about ensuring you're the one wielding it, staying indispensable and irreplaceable.

And an amazing Team

We are a formidable force at Complete AI Training, a dedicated team driven by the shared vision of unleashing AI's potential across professions. United in our commitment, we bring you the most comprehensive, up-to-date AI learning resources, designed to transform how you work, excel, and innovate.

And a determined Founder

Jeroen Erne's journey in the field of technology and digital innovation is a profound testament to what passion, dedication, and a forward-thinking mindset can achieve. Not just an individual working in the AI sector, Jeroen stands out as a pioneer, whose initiatives have significantly impacted thousands of individuals across a multitude of professions. has fundamentally transformed lives across many professions, guiding thousands with his allround expertise.

Jeroen's commitment to digital innovation has catalyzed the ascent of over a thousand companies to unprecedented levels of success through his leadership at his agencies: JoyGroup Web Design, Nova Interactive, and Nexibeo.

His ventures as (Co-)Founder of startups like SimplySocial, MobileRevolution, and Coincheckup.com further illustrate his keen insight into the tech landscape and his ability to innovate and drive positive change within it.

Jeroen has also authored 250 AI books for 250 different professions, arming hundreds with the skills to integrate AI into their work. Jeroen is a driving force in tech, AI. and innovation.

Jeroen founded Complete AI Training in 2023, where his ambition extends beyond mere instruction to the empowerment of professionals.
